MCIA Launch – February 13, 2019 Greg Hunt Minister for Health and Peter Crock Chair MCIA Greg Hunt Minister for Health Joel Fitzgibbon Shadow Minister for Agriculture Fitzgibbon Shadow Minister for Agriculture Lucy Hallam United in Compassion Lucy Hallam United in Compassion Richard Di Natale Leader of the Greens Peter Crock Chair MCIA, Carol Ireland Epilepsy Australia, Teresa Nicoletti Mills Oakley, Lucy Hallam United in Compassion Peter Crock Chair MCIA & Andrew Laming, MP Peter Crock Chair MCIA & Andrew Laming, MP & Dr Mike Freelander Andrew Laming, Richard Di Natale Leader of the Greens, Dr Mike Freelander Andrew Laming, Richard Di Natale Leader of the Greens, Dr Mike Freelander & Peter Crock Chair MCIA Michael Wooldrige The Strategic Counsel and Andrew Laming Peter Crock Chair MCIA & Donna Edman The Strategic Counsel MCIA members at the launch MCIA launch crowd