Medicinal Cannabis Industry Australia (MCIA) and Emerging Therapeutics Association of Australia (ETAA) are pleased to announce the execution of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will pave the way towards uniting and forming a single peak industry body.
It is the view of both organisations that the industry will be best served by creating a single peak industry body with a shared vision, which can speak with one voice on behalf of companies involved in the medicinal cannabis industry. Both associations operate separately with largely different but related membership bases striving to advocate, support and advance medicinal cannabis and other novel therapeutics, in Australia.
Although the industry has come a long way over the past 8 years, there are still many challenges facing companies operating in the sector. Joining forces creates the opportunity to leverage the strengths of both organisations to build a stronger representative body that can interact with the Government and its Departments and deliver improved value to members, and in turn support the industry’s development over time.
MCIA and ETAA have executed a memorandum of understanding outlining what is required by both parties to ensure a successful amalgamation.
The MOU provides for a three-month due diligence period where members will have the opportunity to contribute to the position on key issues, define strategic objectives and shape the work plan. Additionally, working groups will be established so that members can regularly meet to plan activities and guide how the expanded MCIA shapes the regulatory environment, advocates on key issues and provides member services and engagement.
In announcing the signing of the MOU, Guy Headley, ETAA Chair, said “Both Associations have made fantastic progress advancing the industry in their own right. Consolidating our strengths and memberships would provide a much stronger voice for industry and a much clearer voice to stakeholders. On behalf of ETAA members we are excited for what this opportunity presents for the future and further building our membership base on a strong foundation.”
Peter Koetsier, MCIA Chair, “Our industry is entering a new phase as we look to grow, manufacture and supply quality products to help hundreds of thousands of Australians and to export to the world. We face new challenges and now more than ever unity is crucial. The joining of these associations will provide a stronger and more diverse voice to continue to build a prosperous, fair and ethical industry in Australia. The MCIA board sees this as an important evolution of our work and is enthusiastic to join with ETAA to enhance our future”.
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MCIA Media Contacts:
Peter Koetsier
Chair, MCIA
Patty Holmes
Executive Officer, MCIA
ETAA Media contact:
Guy Headley,
Chair, ETAA
About MCIA:
MCIA is the peak industry body and voice for Australia’s medicinal cannabis industry. Our focus is on building a legitimate industry that enhances wellbeing through facilitating access to quality Australian medicinal cannabis products for Australian and global patients. MCIA provides stewardship for an economically sustainable and socially responsible industry that is trusted and valued by patients, the medical community and governments. The Australian industry and its products are built on sound science and underpinned by industry processes and standards that ensure patients, the medical community and governments have confidence in the sector and its products.
About ACannabis:
ACannabis Conference and Exhibition is hosted annually by MCIA. Covering cultivation, manufacturing, products and patients, the conference examines innovations in research, compliance, regulations, education, and technology. ACannabis brings together participants from across the medicinal cannabis ecosystem, including policy makers, regulators, researchers, global leaders, healthcare professionals, patients and industry participants
About ETAA:
The Emerging Therapeutics Association of Australia (ETAA) is focused on progressing alternative therapeutic treatment regulations in Australia. Our board consists of members from 15 of the most active medicinal cannabis companies in Australia, acting as a constructive voice to the Australian Government. The primary goal of ETAA is to advance safe and affordable access to legal treatment pathways for Australian patients seeking plant-based and other emerging therapeutics.