The Medicinal Cannabis Industry Australia (MCIA) is pleased that Minister Hunt has committed to acting on all 26 recommendations in the McMillan Report on the review of the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967, but seeks further engagement with the Government in relation to the implementation of the report’s recommendations to ensure that the intended outcomes are delivered.
Peter Crock, Chair, MCIA said “while the review provides commitment to improving the efficiency of the Government regulator and better access to medicinal cannabis products for patients, there is more work to be done to ensure that recommendations are implemented in timely manner and without further hindrances to the industry”.
MCIA supports the recommendations that will improve the framework governing Australia’s medicinal cannabis sector and reduce the regulatory burden facing businesses, particularly those that have been early into the industry.
“The MCIA Board has had the opportunity to meet with the Government and Office of Drug Control (ODC) to discuss the recommendations and we look forward to continuing to work with the ODC in implementation of the recommendations,” said Mr Crock, “Like many of these things, the challenge is in the detail and implementation. MCIA is developing a response to each of the recommendations and looks forward to further dialogue with the Government on this important step forward for the sector”.
Implementation of the recommendations in a timely manner is also important for the sector. While the the ODC has indicated that some of the reforms will be implemented before the end of the calendar, there is not a clear timeline around all 26 recommendations, with several to occur in 2020 or later, and the industry concerned that this could stretch into 2021.
MCIA welcomes the potential to simplify and fast-track the regulatory process, while ensuring that the integrity of the system is maintained. “Improving the system to provide more certainty for industry in relation to the process and outcomes will have flow on benefits through the supply chain and ultimately enable Australian patients to have faster access to affordable Australian quality products”
MCIA identified that changes to the regulatory system and elimination of red tape will ensure that there is an affordable supply of local products that will improve patient access to medicinal cannabis.
MCIA looks forward to working with the Government to build a sustainable and profitable medicinal cannabis industry that services local and global customers.
Media contact:
Peter Crock: 0419 307 467
MCIA is the peak industry organisation for Australia’s licensed medicinal cannabis industry. This encompasses all activities of medicinal cannabis licence holders across research, cultivation and manufacturing and interaction with patients, the medical profession and communities.
MCIA’s focus is on building an industry that enhances wellbeing through facilitating access to quality Australian medicinal cannabis products for Australian and global patients.
MCIA is providing stewardship for an economically sustainable and socially responsible industry that is trusted and valued by patients, the medical community and governments. The Australian industry and its products are built on sound science and underpinned by industry processes and standards that ensure patients, the medical community and governments have confidence in the sector and its products.